Incorporating DEI into Healthcare Meetings

The healthcare industry is increasingly focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Research has shown that focusing on DEI leads to increased innovation, better business outcomes, and increased workplace effectiveness for organizations. These benefits are also present when organizations carry DEI into their meetings. Yet while CEOs know DEI can add value, the majority admit they’re struggling with how to incorporate these important changes into their business practices.

As meeting and event planners, we’re tasked with bringing people together with purpose. It’s important to keep DEI top of mind to not only ensure that everyone feels welcomed and included; but, where there is diversity, there are valuable perspectives that create a more dynamic learning experience that benefits everyone.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion can be thought of as the three sides of a triangle: each side is critical to the integrity of the object as a whole. Diversity is about representation— making sure that all voices are heard and that everyone has a seat at the table. Equity is about fairness and addressing outcome disparities. Inclusion, on the other hand, is about creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and perspectives. When diversity, equity, and inclusion are all present in any aspect of life, the result is more innovative thinking and better decision-making.

There are a number of ways to make your healthcare meetings and events more diverse, equitable, and inclusive for attendees. First, consider the location of your event. Is it centrally located and easy to get to? Will all your invitees feel safe in that locale? If not, you may want to consider changing the venue so that it’s more welcoming and accessible for everyone. Second, think about the language you’re using in your marketing materials. Are you using gender-neutral pronouns? Are you avoiding outdated or offensive terms? Be mindful of the words you’re using so that everyone feels respected and represented. Consider the topics you’ll be discussing at your event. Does your agenda represent a range of viewpoints? If not, make an effort to include a variety of voices in your speaker lineup. Finally, are you considering disabilities when you’re building your meeting and event plans? A commitment to DEI means that you’re ensuring all your stakeholders can participate equally in the invitation process, travel experience, and on-site at your meeting or event (or when using your virtual technology).

As meeting and event planners, we have a unique opportunity to bring people together and help promote DEI in the healthcare space. By keeping diversity, equity, and inclusion top-of-mind, we can ensure that everyone feels they are represented, treated fairly, and included in the amazing experiences we create. When we are intentional with DEI, we create a more dynamic, innovative, and effective healthcare industry which improves health outcomes and patient lives.

Five Must-Have Items to Keep Your Events Team Healthy and Happy On-Site

Health and safety are always top priorities when pulling off a successful event. From mental to physical well-being, there are many moving parts to keeping your events team healthy and happy on-site. From our years of experience in the industry, we’ve compiled a list of five must-have items to keep your events team focused on-site.

1. Snacks and Drinks:

Keeping your team hydrated and fed throughout the day is crucial to their health and productivity. Make sure to have plenty of snacks and water on hand, especially if you’ll be working in hot weather conditions. A coffee and tea station in your office would be most welcome by your staff. This seems like a no-brainer but often, taking small refueling breaks gets overlooked while on-site.

2. First Aid Kit:

Accidents happen, even when you’re being careful. That’s why it’s essential to have a first aid kit on-site in case anyone hurts themselves. Be sure to stock it with bandages, antiseptic wipes, gauze, and painkillers. Don’t forget preventatives like hand sanitizer, facemasks, and Vitamin C packets and don’t rely on the venue to supply these items. Often they’re not stocked and you’ll have to hunt them down.

3. Break Area:

It’s essential to take breaks throughout the day, both for physical and mental health reasons. Create a designated break area for your team where they can relax, recharge, and take some time for themselves. This can be something as simple as setting up a few chairs and a table in a quiet corner of the room, away from where they may be asked to help out or get back to work before they’ve fully recovered.

4. Portable Printer:

There’s ALWAYS something someone either forgot to print out or needs to change on the fly all of the time. It’s a pain having to trek all the way to the business center on-site, and a portable printer can absolutely save you at times.

5. Comfortable Footwear:

Comfortable footwear is essential in convention cities. Everyone knows you need a good pair of comfortable shoes when working a long program but what about socks? We love Ecco brand shoes and Stance socks! What are your favorite brands?
Keeping your events team healthy and happy on-site is essential to putting on a successful event. By following these five tips, you’ll be well on your way to ensuring that your next event is a success!